Wrinkles Reduction*

When you look in the mirror, do you pull back on your skin to smooth out the wrinkles and wonder what you can do to make them go away? Sally McFarland, MD, in Fairfax, Virginia, knows exactly how you feel and offers advanced skin tightening treatment with TempSure™ Envi to reduce lines and wrinkles on your face. To learn more about skin tightening for wrinkles, call the office or schedule an appointment using the online booking button

Questions & Answers

What causes wrinkles?

Wrinkles are a normal part of the aging process. As you get older, your skin produces less collagen, which is a protein that gives your skin its strength and resilience. Without the support from collagen, your skin starts to fall, leading to creases, lines, and wrinkles.

Sun exposure, smoking, air pollutants, and facial expressions, such as squinting your eyes or furrowing your brow, may also contribute to the formation of your wrinkles. Using TempSure Envi, Dr. McFarland can rejuvenate and tighten your skin for a more youthful look.

What is TempSure Envi?

TempSure Envi is an advanced cosmetic treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to revitalize and tighten your skin to smooth out wrinkles and lines. Dr. McFarland uses the skin tightening treatment to minimize the appearance of:

  • Forehead lines
  • Crow’s feet and frown lines
  • Wrinkle lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth
  • Lines from the corners of your mouth down your chin

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The relaxing in-office procedure takes 30-60 minutes and requires no downtime, so you can go back to your normal day right after treatment. The cosmetic tool is equipped with Therapeutic Logic Control that allows for a consistent temperature throughout treatment and better comfort for you.

How does Tempsure Envi improve my wrinkles?

The heat energy produced by TempSure Envi targets the deep layers of your skin to stimulate the production of collagen to improve both support and resilience to bring back your youthful appearance.

You may see an improvement in the look of your skin immediately following treatment, but it takes about six months for your skin to fully rejuvenate and for you to see the total effects. Skin tightening treatment with TempSure Envi can make it look as though you had a facelift.

Will my wrinkles come back after treatment?

TempSure Envi can reduce lines and wrinkles on your face, but it can’t stop aging. With good care, the effects may last up to a year.
To help maintain your youthful look, Dr. McFarland recommends:

  • Using sunblock daily
  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Moisturizing your skin
  • Quitting smoking

To learn more about skin tightening for wrinkles, call the office or schedule an appointment online.



Products & Services Disclaimer

*Sally McFarland, MD is an independently owned and operated care center that may promote, sell, or provide aesthetic services. Privia Medical Group is not responsible for these products or  services. Privia’s Authorization & Consent to Treat, Financial Policy and HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices are not applicable to these services or products.